
Who am I? An old man in body who wants to help people in the world. When I was younger the difference could be made through the sweat and effort of my body. Now, I need to use my head, approach a problem from an intellectual angle.

I have four kids, one wife and eight grandkids. God above all controls my life. I’m starting my journey to live as a minimalist. Live with less so others may have more.  It’s ongoing as most spiritual journey’s in life is and that’s okay. God didn’t make us perfect, we come with faults and i have more than my share.

I’m Catholic, but raised as a Baptist and the journey to Catholicism helped to lead me where I am today. So, these writings will help to record the journey and hopefully provide me and others with information.

2 Comments on “About”

  1. Karen or Pisces310 Says:

    Hey there Laker~ Miss you. How have you been?

    • drdanlake Says:

      Karen, it depends on how much information you really want to know! LOL I’ve been married for 33+ years to a wonderful woman. She’s disabled now and in poor heath. She just came home Thursday after spending 24 days in the hospital/nursing home. I’m changing to the public school and doing a 14 week internship. Enough about me, how about you? Yes, I miss you as well. 🙂

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